Online Code Formatter Versus CopySourceAsHTML Addin

So I found out that the copy source as html visual studio addin has been ported to 2005. You can get it here. So which one is better? How about some code samples...

Using the VS addin:

   18         public void ShowSomething()

   19         {

   20             MessageBox.Show("I am a code sample. Hear me roar!");

   21         }

Using the online code formatter:

   1:          public void ShowSomething()
   2:          {
   3:              MessageBox.Show("I am a code sample. Hear me roar!");
   4:          }

So, the result? I do like the colored lines affect you can get with the online code formatter. It can also do t-sql. Don’t know if the other one can. However, the addin has some features that the other doesn’t, like removing indentation and line breaks (not that I see myself using them, but whatever...). It also mimics the coloring you see in Visual Studio, which is nice. So, decide for yourself which one you like most.